Tetra Aqua Easy Balance 100ml


Tetra Aqua Easy Balance 100ml


Refreshing aquarium water is an essential part of good fishkeeping and is necessary in order to keep your fish healthy. Traditionally the only way to do this was through timec...


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Refreshing aquarium water is an essential part of good fishkeeping and
is necessary in order to keep your fish healthy. Traditionally the only
way to do this was through timeconsuming regular partial water changes.
Now this is no longer necessary as EasyBalance can replace the
refreshing action of a water change. By using EasyBalance you can reduce
the frequency of water changes to a minimum of once every 6 months. By
reducing the number of stressful water changes and adding essential
elements to the aquarium EasyBalance also helps to maintain improved
fish condition. In addition EasyBalance contains elements for
encouraging healthy plant growth and it actively reduces nitrate and
phosphates thus helping to control algae. How it WorksEasyBalance
works in two ways. Firstly it replaces the refreshing action of a water
change by replacing essential elements and vitamins reducing and
maintaining low levels of nutrients such as phosphate and nitrate and by
adding minerals to stabilise the pH. Secondly it eliminates the need
for stressful water changes and adds essential elements that may be
lacking in tap water thereby helping to improve fish health and
condition. How to UseAdd EasyBalance to the aquarium at a rate
of 2.5ml per 10litres 2 gallons every week to replace regular water
changes. Perform a proper water change using tap water conditioned with
AquaSafe at least once every 6 months. When using EasyBalance ensure
that the aquarium is properly aerated. EasyBalance is only suitable for
use in mature tanks with a fully functioning filter. It is still
important to keep the gravel clean while using EasyBalance through
occassional siphoning with a TetraTec HydroClean gravel siphon. RRP: £4.99