versa laga Base Plus I.C.+ basic mixture   20kg


versa laga Base Plus I.C.+ basic mixture 20kg


•For Racing Pigeons •Base Plus I.C. Mixture •Basic Sports Mixture •Compete Pigeon Feed •Without Maize Versele-Laga Base Plus I.C. is a quality complete food for racing pigeons ...


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•For Racing Pigeons
•Base Plus I.C. Mixture
•Basic Sports Mixture
•Compete Pigeon Feed
•Without Maize

Versele-Laga Base Plus I.C. is a quality complete food for racing pigeons with the special Immunity Concept+ racing pellet.

Base Plus I.C.+ is a basic sports mixture without maize. This food is eaten well by pigeons.

Vetches / Tares 16%, Safflower 16%, Milocorn 16%, White dari 15%, Extra Wheat 15%, Lentils 6%, Toasted soya beans 4%, Mung beans 4%, Buckwheat 2%, Racing pellet IC+ 6%

Typical Analysis
Crude protein 16,5%, Crude fat 7%, Crude fibre 7,5%, Crude ash 3%, Carbohydrates 54%, Methionine 0,33%, Lysine 0,80%, Threonine 0,57%, Tryptophan 0,19%, Cystine 0,27%

The Plus I.C.+ mixtures contain moreover a series of vitamins and trace elements.

Vitamins: A, D3, E, K3, B1, B2, B3, B12, C, PP, folic acid, biotin, cholin chloride.

Minerals/trace elements: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, cobalt, selenium.

20kg Bags