Harkers Daflor 2ltr for Pure, naturally healthy, strong pigeons!


Harkers Daflor 2ltr for Pure, naturally healthy, strong pigeons!


Daflor Complementary Feed For Pigeons£39.99New DaflorComplementary feed for pigeonsHarkers are pleased to introduce Daflor, made in Belgium. Daflor strengthens immunity against ...

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Daflor Complementary Feed For Pigeons£39.99New DaflorComplementary feed for pigeonsHarkers are pleased to introduce Daflor, made in Belgium. Daflor strengthens immunity against illness in a natural way- including young bird sickness.Daflor ensures excellent moulting, a good appetite and perfect digestion. It also promotes better muscle development and harder training.This is brand new to the Harkers range, Daflor for Pure, naturally healthy, strong pigeons!